How about the Disney Pin Trading guidelines specifically related to the 3-D Vinylmation™ pins.
Are these pins accepted for trade? The answer is: YES!
We believe the confusion may come from a long standing trading guideline
that dates back to the year 2000. This guideline reads - "Plastic
pins, rubber pins or other non-metal pins are not accepted for trading."
At the time that guideline was written, it was addressing pins that were
all rubber as seen in the image below (which is still not accepted for
Knowing this guideline has existed for many years, Julie Young, who developed the 3-D Vinylmation™
pins, made a modification to those pins that meets the basic trading
guideline - "The main criteria to judge whether a pin is tradable or not
is that it must be a metal pin bearing a "©Disney" mark on the back that represents a Disney Event, Place or Location, Character or Icon."
The key words in that guideline are "metal pin." Julie had the manfacturer add a metal base to the 3-D Vinylmation™ pin as seen in the pictures below.
Front of the 3-D pins
Back of the 3-D pins. Notice the metal backing.
So that was a long story for a very short answer. But we hope this
gives some insight as to why we consider those 3-D pins acceptable for